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Courtesy Kathy Kasten

Eleanor White's comments: Among the roughly 300 known involuntary neuro-electromagnetic (NEM) experimentees, many have no known implants but receive electronic harassment effects targetted only at them, even though others are nearby. The consensus among these targetted individuals (TIs) is that implants are obsolete.

However, when all experiences are examined, we find that implants are still in wide use and that removed implants are confiscated, indicating that some covert experiments still use physical implants and the issue is sensitive.

This suggests multiple "tiers of privilege" and different levels of access to mind control technology. Since removed implants are of crucial importance in court cases, publicity, and persuasion, all TIs are interested in following the "implant track" of the larger mind control development problem.

The following article assists us in showing the general public, many of whom are not aware radio frequency in-body implants even exist, that at least the MEANS for human implantation are now readily available and unclassified.

Extract from
"Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine" March 1983
by Dean C. Jutter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering,
at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Wen H. Ko, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Spear, B.S.
at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
and Dr. Stuart Mackay

Biomedical telemetry is a special area of biomedical instrumentation that
permits transmission of physiologic information from an often inaccessible
location to a remote monitoring site.  The goal of biotelemetry include the
capability for monitoring humans and animals with minimum restraint and to
provide faithful reproduction of the transmitted data.  Although some
telemetry of physiologic information is done via telephone lines, the
majority is carried via radio link.  The encoding of physiologic data into
some unique format is common to all biotelemetry systems.  The transmitting
unit can be carried outside the monitored subject as a backpack unit or can
be implanted within the subject's body after appropriate miniaturization and
sealing against body fluid.  Animals reported to have been monitored with
biotelemetry include cockroaches, lizards, fish, snakes, seals, birds, elk,
giraffes, dolphins, horses, and turtles in the wild and dogs, cats, rats,
rabbits, monkeys, and baboons in the laboratory.

In This Special Section

Stuart Mackay was in biotelemetry from the very beginning and gives us a
glimpse of the early developments and evolution of the field.  Dr. Mackay's
message is replete with examples and applications to an impressively wide
variety of animal species.  Miniature and micropower are two cornerstones of
modern biotelemetry design and construction.  Improvements in these areas
have closely paralleled the evolution of semiconductor and microcircuit
technologies.  He has been involved with reliable, stable integrated sensors
and biotelemeters on microcircuit designs and implementations in recent
years.  The works is truly state-of-the-art.

Eli Fromm has provided an example of a "poor man's" hybrid biotelemeter to
illustrate that some rather sophisticated circuit operations can be done on
a low budget and without extensive microcircuit capabilities.  His comments
focus on a design for a two channel, FM-FM formatted implanted biotelemeter
for multiple channel monitoring using resistance type transducers.
Biomedical telemetry like many other things began as a "laboratory
curiosity" but has evolved to a useful, reliable tool for data gathering.
It has become an important, often complex, part of physiologic monitoring,
but it also can be exciting and a lot of fun.

The purpose of biomedical telemetry is to monitor or study animals and
humans with minimal disturbance to their normal activity and to explore
otherwise inaccessible parts of the body.  It covers a variety of
situations.  Animal subjects range in size from bees to whales, useful
transmission distances vary from a centimeter to a few thousand kilometers
and transmission times from a few minutes to a few years to the life of the
subject; frequencies range from 40 kHz to a few hundred megahertz; subjects
range from trees to humans and include animals flying, burrowing in the
ground now and swimming in fresh or salt water; transmitters can be
implanted surgically, swallowed, inserted through other normal body
openings, or carried externally; power can be induced inward for tissue
stimulation to energize transmitters and to produce mechanical motions;
transmitters monitor safety of workers in hazardous situations, carry
signals from sterile regions, mark animals with darts, and enhance or reduce
reproduction data; they have been used during a variety of situations
including sleeping, loving, working, eating, lecturing, and diving.  All
this can be done with biomedical telemetry without subject's disturbance.

(Snips)  In 1903 Einthoven transmitted electrocardiogram voltage over Leiden
Telephone System wires about a mile to a string galvanometer.  In 1921
Winters transmitted heart sounds over a marine radio link as a demonstration
for ships without a physician.  External transmitters of various signals
evolved as electronic methods evolved to produce smaller transmitters.
Later, several groups inserted small coils and electrodes into the skulls of
animals so alternating currents could be induced for a primitive form of

The idea of transmitting signals from within the body came to me in 1946
when uncertainty about the pressure in the human bladder during voiding led
to the suggestion of placing a radio transmitter there.  This was done later
when transistors were invented.

Transmitting Signals

The transmission of signals from within a subject was a technique that
evolved slowly.  On July 2, 1952 William Shockley and Bell Labs sent me four
experimental point-contact transistors, which were difficult to power in a
small package.  (Junction transistors were only available for military use.)
Thus, another approach was developed to provide for the totally passive
transmission of information.  Figure 2 is taken from Markevitch's 1954
undergraduate research report.  The tuned circuit could be placed in the
mouth and its frequency monitored from outside the face by the grid-dip
meter.  Thus the circuits tested by Markevitch showed that signals could be
transmitted through the tissues of the body from quite small coils placed
within the body.

(Snips - history of biomedical transmitted throughout the medical world)

Surgical implants have been used in rather intricate ways; in some cases,
animals are born with functioning transmitters already in them.  The
researcher just needs to collect data rather than monitor instantaneous
information (such as for a diver or astronaut), telemetry can be replaced by
recording.  Researchers can record signals by variable electroplating by
radioactive light variable darkening film, by magnetic tape, and most
recently, by semiconductor memories.  Recorders as well as telemetry
transmitters can be self-detaching for later recovery.


Techniques and applications of these methods continue to expand, limited
only by the imagination of researchers.  The descriptions and examples above
suggest that, although it is not absolutely clear when biomedical telemetry
started the formative years are still in progress and are limited only by
the imagination of the investigators using new technologies as they evolve.

The design of a telemeter (for either backpack or implanted use) is dictated
by size, cost, circuit complexity, power requirements (and needed
operational lifetime), transducers, the nature of the data to be
transmitted, and performance.  The endoradiosonde and radio pill telemeters
were perfected and used extensively in the early days of biotelemetry by
Stuart Mackay in a wide variety of animal species.

Radio transmission is a more common way to send composite SCO signals than
telephone lines.  Both amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated carriers
have been used in biotelemetry and are designated FM-AM and FM-FM.  This
shorthand biotelemetry indicates the type of encoding and the type of
modulation of the radio carrier respectively.  Although FM-AM has been used,
FM-FM systems have been more popular because the overall performance
expected of a FM radio link is better.  Also, FM radio frequency oscillators
are easy to implement with a single transistor, typically in a Copitts
configuration.  FM-FM biotelemeters have been popular in a variety of
restraint-free monitoring studies.  For example, body temperature in the
dog, core temperature in rats, diurnal temperature variations in rabbits,
thermo regulation and drug response in humans, and ovulation detection in
monkeys have been reported - all using inexpensive thermistor transducers
with these telemeters.  Gait studies in humans, ECG, EEG, ZPG, blood
pressure, pH, and oviductal contractile forces in the monkey also have been
telemetered with FM-FM systems.

Fortunately, there are a sufficient number of frequencies available in the
U.S. for biotelemetry radio transmission, and there are two bands of
frequencies specifically allocated to biomedical telemetry by the Federal
Communications Commission.  In this country, there are no restrictions
placed on the modulation format or stability of transmitters as long as
bandwidth and in-band requirements are met.  Commercially made biotelemetry
systems must be FCC type approved, but custom-made devices used in schools
and universities need not be type approved, but they should comply with FCC
rules and regulations - Part 15, 215,177(C).  In either case, the qualities
regulated are the field strength, carrier frequency, bandwidth, and spurious
emissions 9emissions outside the assigned frequency band that might
interfere with other services.)  Radio emissions are regulated differently
in other countries, and regulating organizations should be contacted
appropriately.  Biomedical data has been telemetered through virtually every
medium between two sites including air, space, water, and biologic tissue,
using a variety of modulated energy forms like electromagnetic waves, light,
and ultrasound.  Radio frequency energy is the most commonly used to link
between biotelemeter and receiver.  It is now common use to send data
between two sites via satellite.

Biomedical telemetry has been around for about 30 years and has become a
useful tool for obtaining restraint-free physiological data from a broad
spectrum of animal species and of monitoring settings.  The described
techniqu4s for biotelemeter circuit design and construction are now ell in
place, and it seems likely that future development will be in the further
miniaturization and integration of biotelemeters and transducers, improved
power sources and improved packaging.


Implantable transducers.  With this type of package, the biomaterial must
meet two basic requirements.  First, it must protect the device from the
influx of body fluids; second, it should provide minimal interference with
the transduction of the desired signal.  In packaging most biomedical
transducers, an insulating conformal layer is deposited onto the device - in
particular, over electrically conductive and potentially corrosive areas.
The material (usually an adhesive rubber or resin) provides a thin, but
tough, film capable of guarding against environmental effects.  Also,
foreign material or bacteria may remain on objects if the parts are not
adequately cleaned beforehand.

A minimal weight is required for any implantable package.  The pressure
(amplitude, duration, etc), produced by the implant on the surrounding
tissue may alter the blood circulation at the implant site, possibly
affecting tissue reaction.  One reason titanium is used commonly as an
implantable metal is because it possesses a low specific gravity and an
excellent strength-to-weight ratio compared to other metals such as
tantalum, tungsten, and stainless steel.  Blunt corners and sharp edges
should be eliminated because they irritate tissues locally.  A streamlined
contour is desirable.  Implant location and implant technique also
influences the local reaction at the site.

Biomedical frequency allocation in the United States for Research and
Patient Monitoring
Frequency MHz   Bandwidth kHz   Field Strength uV/m   Out of Band
Requirements (maximum)
38-41                    200                       10 at 15 m.
10 uV/m at 3 m
88-108                   200                       50 at 15 m.
40 uV/m at 3 m
174-216                  200                      150 at 30 m.
15 uV/m at 30 m

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