Controlling the Human Mind
by Dr. Nick Begich

Reviewed by Eleanor White
October 26, 2006

Title: Controlling the Human Mind
The Technologies of Political Control or
Tools for Peak Performance
Author: Dr. Nick Begich
Copyright 2006
256 pages, paperback
ISBN: 1-890693-54-5
Publisher: Earthpulse Press Incorporated
P.O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska
USA ..... 99520
Voice: 1-907-249-9111

Eleanor White's Recommendation:

Definitely, for targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment, for public officials, doctors, and the general public, I urge a BUY.

Just one favour I've already asked Dr. Begich: Please, make public awareness of not only the existence of microwave voice to skull transmission, but also the AGE, now 32 years, of the technology which was announced in 1974 at the University of Utah, top level priority?

Also, please not only mention, but STRESS the fact that this technology is simple and can be had by anyone with upper middle class income?

Your Lay Institute mission should make this a natural fit within your other excellent work.

Why am I asking this? Thousands of targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment have had the torture of false diagnosis of mental illness heaped upon them at a time when the criminals misusing the equipment have destroyed just about every facet of their careers, relationships and health. If you would please prominently feature Dr. Joseph Sharp's now ancient voice to skull technology in your writings and speaking engagements, you could do more than all of our pleas to public officials, our web sites, our flyers, our picket signs, due to your having the credibility we have been falsely robbed of.

Please do this one thing, Dr. Begich?


About the author ...............................................   1

Dedication .....................................................   3

Part I:  The Sinister Side of Controlling the Human Mind .......   5

Prologue .......................................................   7

Chapter One - The Root of the Technology .......................  13

   The Energy of Life ....................................  14
   Frequency Modulation ..................................  20
   The Body as a Subatomic-Nano-Micro Circuit ............  22

Chapter Two - Controlling the Human Mind on the Way to 1984 ....  26

   The Mind Has No Firewall ..............................  31
   Psycho-Terrorism ......................................  37
   Strange Science of the CIA ............................  39
   A "Manchurian Candidate"  .............................  43
   The Basic Rationale for the Big Lie ...................  46
   The Beam Team .........................................  48
   Remote Controlled People:  MKULTRA ....................  50
   Hypersonic Sound ......................................  58
   Back to MKULTRA .......................................  59
   Hearing Without Years .................................  64
   Manipulation of Emotion and Mind ......................  67

Chapter Three - New Initiatives .................................  73

   Lieutenant Colonel John B. Alexander ..................  73
   European Parliament Raises the Issue ..................  77
   Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. ......................  81
   Persinger and His Work ................................  85
   Other Considerations ..................................  91
   The Woodpecker Signal .................................  96
   LIDA: The Soviet Device ...............................  98
   Dr. Jose Delgado ...................................... 103

Chapter Four - Mind Wars ........................................ 107

   The Information Revolution and The Future Air Force ... 108

Chapter Five - Auditory Effects ................................. 116

   Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect ....... 117
   Back to the History ................................... 119

Chapter Six - Other Patents The Ethics of it All ................ 126

   Subliminal Messages and Commercial Uses ............... 126
   New Standards for What is a Memory? ................... 128
   Brain to Computer Connections ......................... 129
   How Powerful is the Brain? ............................ 130
   What's on Your Mind? .................................. 132
   Still Wondering What's on Your Mind ................... 135

Chapter Seven - Control of the Mind and Body .................... 139

Chapter Eight - Weaponization of the Mind ....................... 145

   Potential Military Application of EMR ................. 146
   Other Exotic Technologies ............................. 149
   Back to Dr. Jose Delgado .............................. 149

Chapter Nine - For Whose Use?  The New Tools of Control ......... 152

   The Nonlethal Conference .............................. 152
   Lost Alamos and Friends ............................... 153
   From National Defense to The Justice Department ....... 156
   International Alarm Bells Begin to Sound .............. 159
   New Toys for Defense .................................. 166

Chapter Ten - Who are the Victims? .............................. 183

Chapter Eleven - Moving Down the Path ........................... 187

Part II - Increasing our Human Potentials ....................... 195

Chapter Twelve - The Brain Drivers .............................. 196

   Brain Biofeedback ..................................... 199

Chapter Thirteen - Tools for the 21st Century ................... 202

   Brain Entrainment, How does that work? ................ 202
   Brain Training for Children ........................... 206
   Biofeedback Continued ................................. 211
   Kinesiology ........................................... 213
   Thought Stream ........................................ 214
   Hemi-Sync (R) & Robert Monroe ......................... 215
   Electromagnetic Fields Affecting Bodies ............... 218
   Chemical Interactions ................................. 218
   Schumann's Resonance .................................. 221
   Discovering Acupuncture ............................... 221
   Pointer Plus .......................................... 224
   Looking Forward ....................................... 225
   Light and Sound ....................................... 227
   Electro-Cranial Stimulation ........................... 229
   Back to Electro-Acupuncture ........................... 230
   Back to Hemi-Sync (R) ................................. 231
   The Earthpulse Soundwave (TM) ......................... 233

Chapter Fourteen - The Future ................................... 239

   What Needs to be Done ................................. 241

Apendix - The Lay Institute on Technology ....................... 244

   Bibliography of Technology ............................ 246
   How to Use the Bibliography and Abstracts ............. 247
   How Can You Help? ..................................... 248

Resource Guide .................................................. 249
Dr. Nick Begich earned his degree in Traditional Medicine from the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, in 1994.

He has sought to bring information to light, particularly among the sciences, which points the way to having science applied for the maximum benefit of mankind. His books are gold mines of on point research, and include these:

- Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology (with Jeanne Manning)
- Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace (with James Roderick)
- Earth Rising II - The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul (with James Roderick)

As someone who has spent some years picketing the streets about the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment, I owe thanks to Dr. Nick Begich for some of the awareness of electronic harassment which Dr. Begich's books and broadcasts have generated.

Dr. Begich currently (autumn 2006) hosts a once a week show on the Republic Broadcasting Network:

... and has appeared on numerous other radio and TV shows where the impact of science on the state and future of humankind is taken seriously.

Dr. Begich is currently the executive dirctor of the Lay Institute on Technology:

... a not-for-profit corporation having the goal of educating the public on the impacts of technology in the 21st century and beyond. Dr. Begich's work there has resulted in a substantial database of technology information being placed on file.

Mind Control is one sub-category of the crime syndrome called organized stalking and electronic harassment. It is a particularly invasive sub-category, as various signal types, some taught in today's schools and some as yet not, can enter the mind from a distance, silently, through walls, and cause incredible pain, career destroying fatigue, career destroying sleep deprivation, "voices" and other distortions of perception all of which add up to the total destruction of a target's life.

More, today's electronic harassment devices can do this SELECTIVELY, so that one member of a married couple can be destroyed, while the spouse may experience nothing. The vicious criminals responsible choose only silent, nearly impossible to prove technology, along with a campaign of lies which cause community members to add conventional harassment, break-and-entry, and sabotage to the target already struggling to avoid breakdown. These community members choose only exaggerated forms of "life's normal misfortunes", making it impossible for targets to convince others they are in fact being tortured. Even though the "normal misfortunes" happen DAILY, the average person will automatically discount reports that anything out of the ordinary is happening.

After this has happened for a time, almost always, the target is labelled as mentally ill and discredited, and forced to take dangerous pharmaceuticals even though the target in fact has no mental illness, but is simply reporting the truth.

"Mind control", then, is NO PARLOUR TRICK and deserves the keenest attention of the reading public. I, Eleanor White, pray all who read this review will go on to read this book.

In Chapter One, titled The Root of The Technology , Dr. Begich explains that electromagnetic signals can indeed affect biological processes. Because the public is immersed in all sorts of electromagnetic signals - radio, TV, sun/starlight, cosmic rays - that is often lost on the unaware public and skeptics need to be reminded of this. Just because we don't all go into convulsions when our neighbour with a CB transmitter keys up doesn't mean EM signals don't affect us.

In Chapter Two, titled Controlling the Human Mind On the Way to 1984, Dr. Begich has collected, for easy quick reference, many of the mind control techniques, and some of the mind control crimes, we often discuss, with an excellent collection of footnotes giving us the citations for many of them. This includes the MKULTRA crimes. This makes the book quite handy for preparing for encounters with skeptics, including family members, doctors, and police, three of the most skeptical groups on the planet.

One major benefit of this book, as I see it, is that it's portable, can be taken anywhere, and it collects pretty well everything posted among our many web sites, and even more, thanks to Dr. Begich's skill and hard work at gathering research. This should add both speed and factual dependability to the work of our many activists.

Another benefit is that, even if the Internet is ripped down and replaced with an extremely expensive and heavily censored "Internet II", having this book in hand, and better yet, having LIBRARIES equipped with copies too, will mean that the information is not totally lost.

Having said that, as an activist myself, I have to say that a great deal of what is posted on our sites, and presented in this book, does not work at significant (neighbour's home to yours) distances, through walls. Technologies requiring contact or close proximity, and/or which do not work through walls, are still useful, but I have to caution that most of what we experience happens through walls, at home to home distances or greater, even out in the wilderness. We can use close up technologies to POINT to eventual long distance, through wall capability, but not prove it actually exists now.

This extremely compact handy reference is not going to make it possible for us to convert all family members, doctors, and police into instant believers. We must not over reach the limitations of the many technology items presented in discussions with skeptics. But even without proving long distance or through wall capability, the existence of the many influence technologies documented in this book is going to be dramatic news for many people!

One excellent feature of Chapter Two is that the electronic aspects of MKULTRA are listed.

Chapter Three, titled New Initiatives, starts out summarizing military officer John B. Alexander's work. It is very handy for targets to have material on John Alexander because his name often pops up when discussions of mind control are in progress.

Dr. Begich describes Alexander's interests as "in obscure science and parapsychology, connecting with Janet Morris, with whom he wrote a book on mind training techniques."

Begich goes on to say "The use of the technologies was apparently known by Alexander to be problematic, because some of the weapons systems would violate international agreements."

You'll hear the term "nonlethal weapons" often used in relation to John Alexander and Janet Morris. To cut to the quick, the writings and media appearances I'm familiar with by these two people were rock solid stonewalling by people regarded by non-targets as "non lethal weapons experts." They repeatedly deny the existence of any of the weapons which might cause the effects we report.

In fact, several of us targets were in email contact, back in the mid-1990s with Col. Alexander (he had an email address posted at that time.) We informed Col. Alexander of the undeniable, available, and not secret mind-control-capable weapons, how they work, and stressed the fact that anyone with a good income can have them. Col. Alexander went on Coast to Coast AM shortly after that exchange and denied ANY such weapons exist.

Janet Morris has made similar statements on TV appearances.

Dr. Begich points out a 1980 statement by John Alexander which shows clearly that this man is a disinformation agent:

"Mind-altering techniques designed to impact opponents are well advanced." In other words, in 1980, such techniques were "well advanced", yet in the mid-90s on Coast to Coast AM, suddenly such techniques "don't exist?"

The reason I bring this up is because we who are fighting to expose and stop organized stalking and electronic harassment need to know about the people who are doing all they can to stifle our efforts. It is great Dr. Begich chose to mention them. It would have been even better if Alexander's later negative statements were included as well.

Also handy in this chapter is the mention of the European Parliament's lightly touching on mind control by recommending laws be written to carefully monitor and control the use of such techniques.

Dr. Begich's detective work turned up a company, Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) which apparently investigated "psychic warfare, bioenergetic fields, and manipulation of energy in order to affect people." This company, dating from the 1960s through the 1980s, is listed as capable of thirty one program areas which are highly relevant to our experiences.

When you see terms like "psychic" and "bioenergetic", you are talking about effects which cannot be produced by signal types as taught in today's schools. As targets, we need to be EXTREMELY reluctant to express certainty about such advanced effects, because they are beyond the laws of science as taught in today's schools. But we do in fact experience things, such as penetration of top grade shielding which stops electromagnetic signals, which can't be explained by school-taught signal characteristics, and I feel it is good that Dr. Begich has included some material referencing such advanced signal characteristics.

My advice to targets is to be totally honest - if a discussion touches on experiences which are beyond school-taught science, say you don't know how it is done. I don't recommend using this book to "prove" the more advanced effects are "real." We know they are very real, but without an actual mainstream-acknowledged demonstration, we can't prove it to others.

Chapter three goes on to describe the work of Dr. Michael Persinger, HAARP, Dr. Jose Delgado the brain implant guy, the Woodpecker Signal, Dr. Andrija Puharich, Dr. Robert C. Beck, more detail about the Lida machine, Dr. Ross Adey, and government involvement in the mind control programs the public rarely hears about. He also mentions at length the work of Dr. Reijo Makela, a researcher in using electromagnetic (particularly laser) technology for healing.

Dr. Begich, in fact, has considerable interest in using technology for healing, and I'm grateful he has taken considerable trouble to research the MIS-use of technology as well.

Chapter Four, titled Mind Wars, provides some really handy references shoring up the very sobering reality of mind control. This book is an excellent pocket reference, and my experiences bringing out Carol Rutz' book "A Nation Betrayed" on the picket site show how powerful having a tangible book in your hand can be. Carol is a survivor of the brutal child physical and sexual abuse performed under the auspices of the U.S. government during the MKULTRA era.

Loud mouth hecklers were literally silenced when I raised Carol's book into view. I would expect Dr. Begich's book might work equally well, particularly if you find yourself in a debate with hostile family members, doctors or police.

Mind you, I'm not saying this or any book is guaranteed to work as a "get out of jail free card," just that the impact of an authoritative book, and this one clearly is, can be dramatic.

Ah, Chapter Five, Auditory Effects, does outline Dr. Joseph Sharp's voice to skull success, and it goes quite a bit further, providing some details of various conventional signals which generate acoustical phenomena in a subject's hearing sense.

It is with considerable regret that the paragraph mentioning Sharp's voice to skull includes a reference to 1995, but not the year of the original experiment's announced success, in 1974. This may seem like nit-picking, but to an organized stalking/electronic harassment target, who has been ridiculed by police, family, and may be taking antipsychotic medication involuntarily with very nasty side effects, this is NOT a minor issue.

It is essential in the fight to expose and stop all aspects of organized stalking and electronic harassment that the AGES of the proven beyond all doubt weapons be PROMINENTLY displayed. When a military weapon is discussed, say, in an article in Defense Electronics a month ago, that's one thing. But when a technology is brutally invasive, as voice to skull is, and has been around for over THREE DECADES, and is relatively simple to be created by a seniour radar technician or engineer, the public MUST be told that. Loud and often.

Availability over decades, and relatively easy access create a vivid picture of likelihood that the technology has been used, in the mind of the public.

Anything less simply isn't helping our cause to the maximum extent unclassified knowledge is capable of. This is why I have begged Dr. Begich in the message at the top of this review to consider really PROMOTING the age, simplicity, and availability of Sharp's voice to skull, so our members might eventually emerge from under the heavy and totally unjustified yoke of mental illness charges.

Dr. Begich has done us a great favour in his Chapter Six, titled Other Patents - The Ethics of It All. Our members love patents because they do give a very official aura to various proposed methods of mind control. I often serve as the chronic wet blanket when I have to remind our members that the issuance of a patent does not prove a given technology has actually been DEMONSTRATED. Big, big difference between a patent and a demonstration.

But even with that limitation on patents, it is terrific to have one handy place where mind control patents are not only gathered, but very well explained by Dr. Begich. Patents do have persuasive value in talking with the unaware public, I've found. All I urge is that we not say such-and-such mind control technology IS IN USE, when there is no separate documentation of an actual demonstration, acceptable to public officials.

One of the BIG open questions our members face is: Has there ever been a DEMONSTRATION of a technology which can at least READ the EEG (electroencephalograpic) signals from the brain, at REAL WORLD distances (in our case, from a neighbour's home to ours), precisely enough that activity of subtask neuron clusters can be read independently?

This chapter talks about doing that, but I didn't see, on my relatively rapid read, any DEMONSTRATION of that capability. (Apologies, but I've been a target of this type of technology for 26 years now. I just can't force myself to read word by word by word, having read this material for years now. Mea culpa. I may have missed something, yes.)

Yes, we know that the LIDA machine and other more sophisticated transmitters can WRITE to and influence the brain to varying degrees of precision. Reading at real world distances, in real world unshielded environments is a very much more difficult task, because the power output of the brain is exceedingly tiny, and, other people and plants are busy outputting their own signals. Add to that non-biological electromagnetic noise, and you have a good case for doubting reading subtask-resolved EEG signals can be done using conventional signal types. We don't know yet what other, as yet not taught in school signal types may be capable of.

Bottom line, I urge our members to not use this chapter to try to "prove" remote thought reading, the ultimate use for remote EEG reading, can be done.

In chapters Seven through Nine, Dr. Begich goes into more detail about how the mind and body can be controlled, and the roles played by scientific and government organizations. Again, a really handy collection of the articles posted in many places on the Internet, all in one tidy book.

Part II is devoted to Dr. Begich's original interest - positive uses for this technology. I sincerely hope that members of the public who read this book also read Part II, as not only is this important technology being used for criminal purposes, it is being denied to people who could benefit from it.

Chapter Ten is Who Are The Victims?. Dr. Begich demonstrates with this chapter that his studies of mind control, the history of its development and usage, are not strictly scholarly. He could have left this chapter out, and still have had a first rate book. I am personally very thankful that he remembered those of us for whom mind control has been an every day reality for years and decades.

I do have one small bone to pick with Dr. Begich for this statement, though:

"The problem is that it is difficult if not impossible to sort out which people might be victims and which are delusional."
I say that if some esteemed doctors would take the trouble to get to know some of our more experienced members, a panel of trusted targets could sort out who is a genuine target versus who is delusional. This goes contrary to the idea that anyone who hasn't gone through med school then psychiatric residency couldn't possibly do that. I know Dr. Begich must make the statement above to preserve his credibility, but I'm saying no, there actually is a way, if the psychiatric establishment were to accept assistance from targets.

And Dr. Begich does state he believes some of our stories do have a basis in fact, given that the U.S. Government has a track record of "people being exploited by scientists", MKULTRA being the best known example. For a non-target and increasingly a public figure to say that is a MAJOR boost for us!

Dr. Begich sees his role in assisting victims (most prefer the title "target", "targeted individual" or "TI" these days) ... as public education. Nick, this book is a major step in that direction, as have been your previous books! Well done!